FITgirl DT Announcement...
Just a little FYI:
I spilt the girls into two teams this term since things are so busy. This way the only have to complete one LO per month, but can do both if they want! The more ther merrier, right?!?! YEAH I think so!!!
Laura Jean Miller
Sara Zenger
Dayna Corigan
Kristin Perez
Mia Clarke
Shana Dilldine
JJ Sobey
Miki Boyd
Norine Borys
Danielle Wycough
Kimmie Rishebarger
Kelly Rutherford
Congrats girls!! To learn more about the girls go here! Thanks to everyone who submitted--it was not an easy decision!! These girls will be starting August 1st with a FUN Wet-n-Wild Workout!
Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #611 Reminder
5 days ago