A friend tipped me off to this new site and Noella is having a contest. Get your cameras out for the 4th and use some of her awesome sketches to create. Creativelyyours
Happy Canada Day!
To Celebrate Canada’s Birthday and of course Independance Day on the fourth!
We are going to have a contest!
Here are the rules:
1. Choose any one of my past sketches to create a layout.
2. Layout must be of Canada Day or 4th of July Celebrations.
3. Forward your finished creations to me as a jpg attachment to noelmika@nb.sympatico.ca
4. Deadline Tuesday July 15th.
5. I will choose three winners and post the winning creations right here on my blog! I will also send a rak to each of the three winners.
Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #613
3 days ago
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